viernes, 8 de agosto de 2008

La Vida es un Carnaval

La Vida es un Carnaval - literally translated in English as ¨life is a carnival¨ is a salsa song by the Cuban singer Celia Cruz. It was playing when I arrived at a going away party for one of the coworkers from my girlfriend´s office. Not only is it one of my favorite songs (was it serendipitous that play when I arrived?) but it made me wonder why we Canadians take ourselves so seriously. It may seem obvious to say but we could learn a lot by ¨working to live¨ instead of ¨living to work¨ like Mexican people do. People here really know how to party! I felt like a five year old at a birthday party for the first time. Those who weren´t dancing or laughing were busy feasting on the plethora of five different kinds of tacos on display. I left the place at 10:00 and it was just getting started. On a work day! Last winter in cold Northern B.C. would have been a lot easier to take if were able to participate in a few fiestas like this one. But I digress...
Interestingly enough, before I got to the party I attended a funeral for the brother of another co-worker of Nora. He died in a car accident from a truck driver plowing through the side of his vehicle at an intersection. I immediately related to the situation when I was told the news and did my best to express my condolences in the best Spanish I could muster. But really what do you say under these circumstances? Everyone in church was very somber and dispirited. Quite a contrast from the party I went to later on. It was humbling to attend the ceremony and be part of something much bigger than I am...

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