jueves, 2 de octubre de 2008

Holy Guacamole!

It´s been awhile since I´ve written so I thought I would give an update. After weeks of waiting I finally started my job teaching on Monday. My full time schedule start next week, but in the meantime I´ve been giving classes at a pharmaceutical company called Roche. I had no idea chemists worked so hard! They start work at seven every day and work until around 10 with two hours off to study English with yours truly. There are five of us, with an average of eight students per class. Very friendly people. The interesting part about it is, on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have to teach in the part of the plant where the drugs are actually being developed, so I have to wear a lab coat, hat and this type of protector over my shoes. But I digress...
In discussions with my students (and with my girlfriend) it has come to my attention that a lot of people want to leave Mexico and live somewhere else. They find it hard to believe that I would leave a country like Canada to come here. Why leave the land of milk and honey to live in the land of crime and corruption? How different my view of Mexico is to the people who actually live here.
I don´t know perhaps I´m being ignorant. The legions of immigrants who come to my country every year should be enough testament that Canada is a great country to reside. But my heart is in Mexico. This place really has everything - great food, spectacular countryside, friendly ¨paisanos,¨ the language of love, etc. The grass is always greener... More later. Nuff said for now.